• ncr@mkcl.org
  • Call Center: 8956537496

A. Nomenclature:

1. What is Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation Ltd (MKCL)?
A. For more information regarding Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation Limited (MKCL), please click on following link: http://www.mkcl.org

2. What is Applicant Organization (AO)?
A. Applicant organization (AO) is the activity center who has applied online for KLIC center registration process defined by MKCL.

3.  What is Business Development & Implementation Partner (BDIP)
A. Business Development & Implementation Partner is appointed and authorized by MKCL as per its norms, for discharging certain responsibilities and carrying out certain activities on its behalf in the assigned geographical jurisdiction. For details about BDIP please click here

4. What is Authorized Learning Center (ALC)?
A. ALC is an Authorized Learning Center of Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation Ltd which has configuration as per MKCL’s norms and is authorized to conducts MKCL’s KLiC course.

B. Apply Online:

5. What is Apply Online?
A. By accessing URL www.mkcl.org/register, you can see the center registration home page. On this home page you have to click on Apply Online link. Applicant organization will fill the basic details. AO will get Applicant Organization (AO) login and password by clicking on the activation link received on email. 

6. What is SOLAR login ID?
A. SOLAR login ID is the ID that will be used to get access to MKCL’s Online Business management framework and for submitting the required Information. That will be used as AO login id.
* By virtue of getting Application ID and Password, does not mean that Applicant Organization has got MKCL's authorization.

7. What if I face any problems during KLiC New Center Registration Process?
A. Please contact to Business Development & Implementation Partner selected by you

C. BDIP Selection:

8. How can I choose my BDIP?
A. While submitting the Expression of Interest (EOI), AO should choose the one of the BDIP from drop down list. If AO (other than Educational Institution) is applying from Semi-Urban/Urban then AO cannot select MKCL as BDIP.

9. Can I select more than one BDIP?
A. No, you can select any one Training Provider at the time of EOI submission.

10. What is ‘‘AO approval’ which is to be given by BDIP?
A. When you select your BDIP from your login; BDIP's will be able to view the list of all AO's who have selected that particular BDIP. If BDIP agrees that you have fulfilled all the necessary norms specified by MKCL, BDIP will recommend you from their login for the further Process. If the application is rejected by the selected BDIP, then you can re-select the BDIP once again.

11. Can I Change a BDIP during any calendar year?
A. No, once you got BDIP approval then you can’t change the BDIP.


D. Payment & Refund:

12.What is the Center Registration Fees?

For Non Educational Institute:

  • Rs. 4500/- towards Registration Fee (Refundable subject to rejection)
  • Rs. 4636/- towards Windows and Office license Fee (Refundable subject to rejection)
  • Rs. 500/- towards Processing Fee (Non Refundable)

For Educational Institute:

  • Rs. 0/- towards Registration Fee
  • Rs. 0/- towards Processing Fee

13.If I get authorization for the year 2025 and if my center does not get registered in the year 2025, how much amount will be refunded?

No any amount will be refunded to ALC in such case. For more details see “‘Fee Structure’ at (www.mkcl.org/register)

14. Is there any requirement to pay Security Deposit?

A. Currently, AO does not need to pay any security deposit.

15. Is there any other hidden charges?

A. There is no other payment required apart from Registration fee.

E. Center Setup:

16. Do I need to show complete Center Setup (including IT Infrastructure -Computing Resources) at the time of online application?
A. No, not required at the time of online application. MKCL will communicate to short listed Eligible AO to create a Center Setup. Then Only Eligible Applicant Organization (AO) has to create the Center Setup.

17. What kind of Computing Resources and Computer Set up do I require?
A.  Minimum Computing Resources required: 1 Server + 2 Client
Please click on following link to know details about Computing Resources and Center Setup

18. When does the Center Setup (including IT Infrastructure -Computing Resources) criteria need to be fulfilled?
A. MKCL will communicate to short listed Eligible AO to create a Center Setup. Then Only Eligible Applicant Organization (AO) has to create the Center Setup with given guidelines. 

19. What is Intake Capacity?
A. Intake capacity is the capacity given by MKCL for registering the no. of learners in a particular batch of KLiC course.
Intake Capacity depends on your computing recourses. AO will have to upload Server & Client details through WORM software. One Client Computer = 24 Learners

20.  Can AO use desk computers for creation of computer setup?
A. Yes

21.  Can AO use Extenda setup for creation of computer lab?
A. No

F. Visit:

22. What is Business Plan?
A. Business Plan is the projection/overview of your business including various analysis reports. AO need to fill business plan in detail and upload the same after become Eligible AO.

23. What is the purpose of BDIP visit?
A. By visit of BDIP, MKCL ensures that the information furnished by AO is true in all regards.

G. Documents:

24. Is PAN Card compulsory for finalization of ALC in 2025?
A. As mentioned in the process documents, PAN Card is mandatory for finalization of New Centers in 2025.
However, AOs could upload any of the (mentioned) valid identity documents in the initial application phase. But in the later phase(s), PAN Card is mandatory.

25.Is AADHAR Card compulsory for finalization of New Centers in 2025?
A. As mentioned in the process documents, AADHAR Card is mandatory for finalization of New Centers in 2025.

26. What are various documents that I need to submit?
A. Please find details of required documents on our website. (www.mkcl.org/register)

27. What is AutoCAD Design of center?
A. AO has to submit the proposed center design in the form of AutoCAD Drawing (.dsw format) with correct dimensions. This drawing should have minute details about the center setup & need to show provision for all basic facilities

28. If I get authorization for Calendar year 2025, then from which batch can I start registering learners for KLiC course?
A. You can enroll admission immediately after completing registration process

H. Rejection
29. On what grounds your application may get rejected?
1. If you fill untrue/wrong information, your application may get rejected
2. If BDIP does not approve your application on basis of MKCL norms.
3. If mentioned fees is not paid within the stipulated dates.
4. If BDIP has rejected the application based on location provided by AO.
5. If you do not submit documents related to address details within stipulated date to BDIP
6. If you do not prepare setup (Infrastructure and Computing Resource) as per norms set by MKCL
7. If BDIP does not recommend you after their visit to your location based on incompliance of MKCL norms

*Kindly note that MKCL shall be the final authority for Approval/Rejection of AO application and MKCL's decision shall be final.