Note:The open area list is for reference purpose only. Applicants are requested to communicate and confirm your center location approval from LLC of your district before proceeding with the registration process.
MKCL has finalized the Open Area list based on the following factors:
Existing MKCL Centers presence in that area
Existing MKCL Centers business catchment area
Business potential of that area
Applicant Organization (AO) can apply for KLiC Registration Process (NCR) from Open Area only.
If AO apply from any other Area which is not Open Area (as published by MKCL) then AO’s application will not be considered in any case.
Applicant Organizations (AO) request to add any additional Open Area will not be considered in any condition. MKCL will finalize Open Area list based on market potential in that specific area.
MKCL reserves the right to add/edit/delete the Open Area list at any time during the process without giving any reason.
Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation Limited (MKCL) was promoted by the Department of Higher and Technical Education, Government of Maharashtra, India and was incorporated under the Companies Act.